Build a One-of-a-Kind Fence

Fences come in all sorts of different shapes, sizes and materials. With certain fence styles in much greater demand than others, it makes sense to offer several standard, widely available options. Some fences even come in prefabricated sections for fast and easy installation.

While most homeowners these days opt for a more cost-effective, standard type of fencing, some are just aching to build a one-of-a-kind custom cedar fence. Often these are fences the homeowners have designed themselves, sometimes using elements they’ve seen in other fences.

It’s amazing how much you can change the look of a fence just by changing picket widths and adjusting the gaps between them, or by combining two different fence styles. Here’s a look at some of the custom cedar fence installations Rick’s Fencing has done over the years:

custom cedar fence

This custom cedar fence features two different picket widths, alternated with gaps between them, to create a more stylized semi-privacy fence. The pickets are framed at both the top and bottom with horizontal rails for a sleek, finished look.

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